Sunday, April 29, 2018

adult lives

It's Saturday morning and I am emptying the dishwasher. For what must be the 100,000th time in this life. 

Maybe it’s Norah Jones on the radio, but this menial household chore is an experience for me as I fixate on the ceramic white plates that I bought from an artisan storefront in 2012. 

Our true adult lives start first and foremost in a place. It could begin in a grimy women’s bathroom in New York City, or while eating in the brightly colored cafeteria at Google in Mountain View, California. If you're paying attention, you know the specific moment your adult life begins because it just slaps you in the face. It's like a small explosion in the air, and it's kind of painful. All of the inanimate things around you pulsate and say, "Congratulations! Your adult life has just begun!" 
My adult life began in 2012 when I picked up these plates at a charming storefront on 15th Street. Walking out of the store, I knew my life had changed forever. 

I remember the thoughts. The sense of agency. These aren't my parent's plates and they aren't my roommate’s plates either. These are my plates, in what will supposedly be my kitchen. Despite the pack of eight, I remember the realization of actually only technically needing one plate, one fork, one spoon, one knife. I was one person, after all. What a beginning of your adult life way to feel.

As I put away the wine glasses this morning and then organize the coffee cups, I am hit with a surprise wave of gratitude. I acknowledge that since the buying of the plates, there have also been six years worth of evenings filled with wine, stories, good food, belly laughs. There have been groggy mornings that turn into long days of hard work, and the plates have been there for all of it. These are the artifacts of our lives, memorialized in the background of all our comings and goings, subtle and inanimate; forever there. 

The funny thing of course is that there is really no such thing as forever there. A plate could break at any time, and shatter into a million tiny pieces. 

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